Monthly Summary: July 2021

July has practically been a non-event compared to last month on terms of gaming progress, but it has been absolutely phenomenal for releases and announcements!

It’s been an exciting month with the release of Bustafellows, the announcement of Cupid Parasite and of course Soraru’s online live too! As for gaming, I’ve not done a great lot as I’ve been focusing on my Japanese studies and when I have had time to game, it’s been finishing things off in the run up to Bustafellows.

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Japanese Study Journal: Week 3

I’ve made it to the end of week 3 and I’m still studying daily! After the events of this week, I feel so much more motivated than last week and I can I already see a small improvement. I’m quite happy with my study methods thus far and I’m enjoying finding new ways to learn each week.

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Japanese Study Journal: Week 2

I’ve reached the end of my second week of studying! I feel like I’ve achieved so much more than I did last week and I’ve made some pretty decent steps at creating study materials that will help me in the upcoming weeks. I’m also finding myself enjoying my study time which is something I never thought would happen – or at least not to this extent anyway!

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Japanese Study Journal: Week 1

It’s the beginning of my 30 Day Study Journal where I’ll be focusing on my Japanese studies throughout July. Considering this was a spur of the moment thing for the beginning of a new month, I was not prepared at all! Instead of getting stuck right in, I will need to do a little preplanning first which will probably take up the first few days.

I’m hoping to share some tips and resources that have helped me learn along the way. If you’re reading this because you want to learn yourself, then I hope you may find something even a little bit helpful!

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Japanese Study Journal: July 2021

This morning, I awakened with the sudden urge to bury my face in a Japanese textbook, which lead to a brainwave. I’m enjoying writing on my blog again for the first time in a year, and since I went back to work in April, my Japanese studies have basically ground to a halt. It’s now the beginning of a new month, so what better time is there to set myself a challenge! Over the next 30 days, I will be combining these two things together by keeping a Japanese language study dairy!

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