Monthly Summary: May 2021

Welcome to another Monthly Summary here at gamergal.exe! This month has not turned out as expected… I was planning a bunch of anime posts including a new tournament style series, but unfortunately, they still need a bit of work before I can share them. Since I’m back working my job full time now, I seem to be struggling with my free time management as my hobbies switched focus during lockdown and now I just don’t have time to do everything. I apologise for the delay, but they’ll be posted real soon! As for my gaming month… let’s take a look:

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Top 10 Anime OP/ED Songs #AniMay 2021

I’m kicking off “AniMay 2021” a little later than expected with another OD/ED appreciation post! Some Anime have fantastic themes to compliment the series, some of which being existing songs and others being written specifically, but either way, there are some insanely good and catchy songs to be scouted purely through anime. I wrote my first OP/ED post this time last year which had some incredible musical works included – some of which are still some of my all time favourites – so if you haven’t seen it already, please go check it out here!

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